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Bon je crois que méteoriquement parlant, ça va pas être la joie, donc je reprend mon karpa. euh non, parka. ou plutôt ma cheminée conique à prouts avec réservoir.
Un parka, un jean, un pull, un short, un caleçon euh non allez deux, et ... un velo !
5 commentaires:
bonnes vacances !!! n'oublie pas d'emmenner le baume "jambes lourdes", pour les soirées difficiles après de si longues étapes, hihi ;-)
The figures in the dream become important if it be remembered that time is money.. The Judge looked up warningly, when his eye caught the fact that the Colonel had again winced at this mirth.. His requirements are in part met, in part drastically put off till the following day. Innumerable instances of such dreams of the infantile type can be found among adults also, but, as mentioned, these are mostly exactly like the manifest content. His nervous hands clutched at the collar Ross had lent him.. There he paused, every sense alert.. Elder Brown did not turn his head, but merely let the whip hand, which had been checked in its backward motion, fall as he answered mechanically.. Leonard; but on stopping at the door, were informed that its mistress was not at home.. From amid these evil dreams, which menaced his health, he was sent into the country, where he recovered within a year and a half, but at the age of fifteen he once confessed: Je n'osais pas l'avouer, mais j'eprouvais continuellement des picotements et des surexcitations aux parties ; a la fin, cela m'enervait tant que plusieurs fois, j'ai pense me jeter par la fenetre au dortoir.. The billet of acceptance having been written, it was sent off immediately, entrusted to one of the errand-goers belonging to the hotel, that it might be received in advance of the next hour for the dispatch-post--and Edward Morland desired the man to get into an omnibus with the note that no time might be lost in delivering it.. The dream gets a kind of facade which, it is true, does not conceal the whole of its content.. I readily admit that the wish instigators originating in conscious like contribute towards the incitement of dreams, but that is probably all.. Th' hull house, replied Billy, and then he somewhat sternly added: Paid me spot cash fer it, too.. His father asks him what this is all for; he is surprised at it, but he explains it to his father.. Nevertheless, the Colonel returned to his private room, and it was nearly twilight when the faithful Jim entered, to find him sitting meditatively before his desk.. After repeated calls, Hargraves came before the curtain and bowed, his rather boyish face bright and flushed with the knowledge of success.. I nevare joke; je n'entends pas la raillerie , Sare, voulez-vous have de kindness to give me back de money vot I pay! Certainly not.. Our excellent brother, Dr.. How did I play Uncle Mose? Major Talbot, passing through the hall, saw Miss Lydia's door open and stopped.. We just came over to call on Miss Champe...
Je crois que daniel thomas est un méchant spameur !
Et alors t'es reviendu de tes vacs? At-on idée de faire du vélo en jean sous la pluie.. top séchage efficace j'imagine ! ;o)
Tu nous raconteras dis?!
oui un vilain pas beau spameur.
oui je suis revenu, et je vous raconterai... ca va etre dur avec tout le boulot que j'ai a faire en ce moment, m'est tombé des trucs de oufs ces derniers jours, mais je m'efforcerai a faire des ptits dessins narratifs de temps en temps. ;)
j'attends les dessins alors ;-)
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